Peace – the elusive word

Hi how are you all today? I am well and slowly getting back to my normal life. The weather is getting cooler which means I get to wear my jeans. I know it sounds funny but summer in my town is way too hot to wear them.

This blog I want to talk about the word peace. In the world we live in, peace can be hard to find. In some countries there is war going on, in other countries there is terrorism and in others the threat of the pandemic of Covid is still there. That’s not to mention typhoons, floods and droughts etc. So where is peace in all of this?

I heard someone say the other day “why can’t everyone just get along “. But if they did, would the world be at peace? Probably not! Why? John 10:10 tells us that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy and as long as he has authority on earth, peace in the natural circumstances will be hard to find.

So if Jesus said “my peace I leave with you” then surely peace is to be found. So where is it and how can we live in peace? Sometimes when I am thinking of peace, I remember a painting where a large storm is occurring. But in the midst of the painting a bird is asleep tucked up in the crevice of a mountain. The bird trusts that they are safe in the position they hold.

This is a lesson for us. Does the position we hold render us safe? Are we positioned in the Prince of peace Jesus or have we somehow moved out from under His cover? Are we positioned in the place of trusting Jesus or has fear crept into an area of our lives? Are we positioned in continually watching the worlds media coverage or are we positioned in the Word of God? These are good questions to ask ourself.

Peace is an internal feeling or force and should not depend on outward events or circumstances. Peace comes from nothing missing or broken on the inside of us. Peace comes from giving total control of our lives to Jesus. When we are positioned like that, nothing external happening should shake us from that foundation?

Yes, we can feel sad or upset by what’s going on and can be moved with compassion to pray. But we shouldn’t lose the peace Jesus came to die for in our lives.

So this week, when external events try to move you to a place of fear, remember the peace of God and instead of taking up that fear, ground yourself in the peace of God and pray. You will feel much better and will know you have a role to play in making the situation better.

Have a great week and keep living the life God intended for you.

Bless you


2 thoughts on “Peace – the elusive word

  1. Hi Karen I always take a moment to read your blog it has helped me a lot in my life as we have all been going through tough times and sometimes we ask God where is he but I know his here and we continue holding on everyday is a new day Gods mercies are new every morning
    One day I would like to catch up with you for a coffee if you’re not busy my family needs a lot of prayer right now ❤️


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