Easter reflections

Hi how are you today on this Easter Sunday? I am good and had a good day serving at church. I played the role of one of the Mary’s at the tomb in the Easter scavenger hunt. It was fun! How was your Easter?

As I had a couple of things running through my mind this Easter, I thought I would do a reflection post. The first thing is how much can change in three days.

Often when we think of the timeframe of three days it is 72 hours or about half a week. It doesn’t seem long enough for change to occur. But that is exactly what happened over Easter.

Day one- Friday was the trial and the death of Jesus. What is happening in your life at the moment that seems dead? Is it a dream, a financial issue, sickness, a broken heart, a lost child or something else. Sometimes this season can seem long but it is just that, a season.

Day two- Saturday is a day of silence. Have you ever felt that? Sometimes it seems that God is silent in the midst of our pain and suffering. But that is not the case. He is just working in ways we cannot see.

On this Saturday, it was when Jesus went to hell. Satan thought He had Him but Sunday was coming. It is in these silent times that the battle is fought the hardest. So keep holding onto God.

Day three- Sunday is when Jesus rose from the grave. This was not only a day of rejoicing but the first day of new- new relationship with God and new way of living for us. Sunday is the day we want to live in all the time. But Sundays are for celebration of the victory fought from Friday to Saturday.

A lot can change in three days.

The second thing I was thinking on is am I getting too familiar with the Easter story? For those of us who have been a Christian for a while, Easter can seem familiar and mundane. I am being honest here!

We know the story and we know the end of the story that Jesus wins. So how can I stop becoming too familiar with the Easter story?

One way is seeking fresh revelation about Easter. God has not yet revealed to us everything that transpired in those three days. There is still more to learn and discover.

But I think the best way is remembering, if you can, what our lives would be like without Jesus? For me, my life would have been a mess. Sometimes, we forget what it is like to live without Jesus. But if we cast our minds on this, we are so thankful for His sacrifice for us. That helps us really to focus on what Easter means. Let’s ask ourselves a few questions:

1. What did it cost Jesus to come to earth?

2. What would Jesus have felt going to a cross for people who didn’t understand and worse, rejected Him?

3. What would God and heaven have been feeling seeing Jesus endure what He did from the garden to the grave?

4. How can I ever understand fully what He did for me and be so very grateful?

These questions can really help us to become unfamiliar with the story and allow us to consider anew what Jesus did for us. Don’t become so familiar with the things of God that we lose our awe, wonder and absolute gratefulness for what He did just for me and you?

As we reflect on Easter this year, let’s remember that a lot can change in three days and also he eternally grateful for the cross and resurrection.

Bless you heaps and keep living the life God intended for you.


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