The little things

Hi how are you all today? I am well – just busy with work. Life is good and I am where I am meant to be. I don’t think I have felt this settled for a while in purpose. The issue is that the higher we go with God and the more we are in His will, the more the enemy tries to derail us. Have you ever been there?

I felt this week that God wanted to remind us of the little things. Too often we get caught up in the big things. We look forward to the next vacation, the next promotion, the next major family event etc. All the while we think the rest of our lives are mundane. But it is in these little things that God does His best work.

In the New Living Translation, Luke 16:10 states:

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.

God looks at how we handle those little things in our life.

1. Are we being faithful in our Christian disciplines- reading the Bible, praying, attending church, talking to others about God?

2. Are we being faithful in our personal lives – eating well, exercising, getting some sun, getting enough sleep, relaxing?

3. Are we being faithful in our working lives – being on time for work, doing what’s asked, meeting our targets, assisting others?

4. Are we being faithful in our relationships – with our spouse, our children, our parents, our friends, our co-workers, our church family?

It is in these small things in our lives and being faithful, consistent and trustworthy that God is interested in. If we don’t do these well, God won’t promote us into those bigger things for our lives.

So let’s look at some examples in the Bible.

1. Noah was going about his ordinary life when God called him to build an ark to save the animals and the righteous people.

2. David was in the backwoods minding the sheep when Samuel called for him and anointed him king. David was in the same place when his father called him to take supplies to his brothers and he ended up saving his nation.

3. Moses was in the dessert with the flocks when he saw the burning bush and was called by God to lead the Israelites on a three day journey out of Egypt to serve God. This ended up in the promise of a new land.

4. Ruth was a Moabite and made a choice to go back to Israel with her mother in law not knowing that an amazing future awaited her and from her family would be born the Saviour of the world.

5. Peter was fishing when Jesus called him to be his disciple and eventually be the leader of the new Christian church in Jerusalem.

What story is God writing in your life as you are continually being faithful in the little things? It will be a story that should be exceedingly, abundantly more than you can imagine right now.

Maybe you are in your exceedingly abundant story and you can look back at the amazing faithfulness of God.

God has a great plan for each of us but it starts in being faithful in the little

This week find yourself being faithful in the little. This is how you will live the life God intended for you.

Bless you


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