What are you waiting for

The question that has been posed above is an interesting one. If a survey was to be undertaken, some may say they don’t know, some may say getting a lot of money or some may say an overseas trip. These are all good things to wait for-but are we waiting for them or wishing for them.

My pastor received the word “wait” this year from God. However, until we establish within our hearts what we are waiting for rather than wishing for: we could be there a long time. Wishing says the chances that it will happen are slim whilst waiting on God says that if we stick with it a while it will come to pass.

So waiting is really a doing word – an eager expectation that something is going to happen. For Christians, this ties in with the word “faith”. Faith is believing that something that we are waiting for is within our reach. Especially when we have the Word of God backing our believing.

I have been praying for my children for a long time with no evident results. I was reading an article a few days ago and it said if you continue to ask, without thanking, you are digging up your prayer seed. That really struck me. So I asked God about it and He said “how do you believe for finances. I said I tithe and give offerings and expect it to work. God said that is how you believe for your children – you pray and expect it to work (only praying over a specific need for them or interceding when I lead you to).” It all comes down to waiting with patience and expecting the harvest to come.

If you are seeking God and believing for something this year, then seek God, pray, believe what you have prayed will come to pass and then just wait with patience. A farmer does not expect a crop the next day so do not be discouraged if you do not see one either. Remember God loves us and knows all things (even before we ask). Don’t stop praying – just start believing.

So this week let us just start believing the Word of God, wait expectantly for our answer and go on the adventure in faith and waiting that God is calling us on.

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